Die casting has the best price advantage because we can save a lot material while manufacturing. If you need high volume production, this process is what you should adopt.
The biggest problem in die casted product is the porosity. We conquer this challenge with equipment using ultra-high pressure. With the porosity minimized, we can have more machining options than other manufacturers.

Tech details for Improved High Pressure Die Casting

Die casting is a metal casting process that is characterized by forcing molten metal under high pressure into a mould cavity. During the casting process, impurities and air may be trapped inside the materials, which result in high porosity after cooling down. The as-casted surface might be free from the voids. However, any machining process may expose the porous substrate beneath the surface. To eliminate this problem, we use the ultra-high pressure to have much higher density (lower porosity) from the get go.

Applications for Improved High Pressure Die Casting

Parts for telecom industry

Appearance is one of the most important factors for the case, enclosure and the front panel. Traditional die casting method leads to poor surface quality. Some parts require zero draft for installation and perfect surface conditions, which require additional machining on the surfaces and cause even worse porosity. Most telecom companies adopt full CNC machining process for these parts to ensure the quality. However, price of the full CNC process is not competitive. Simone can manufacture the die casted parts with the quality comparable to full CNC process but only cost less than half of their price.